Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Long Time No Bloggin'

Well, it's been quite a while since I posted something, I've been busy with knitting and getting my Etsy site together! (see tag at right, click on it & view the shop!). I have done a whole bunch of projects since the last summer sweater, some of which don't even have pix yet. I did a summer sweater in a soft bamboo yarn from Classic Elite in a twisted knit with 3/4 length sleeves, but was disappointed with the end result. I picked up too many stitches along the neck side and it came out way too droopy. I also knit a fabulously colorful sweater in Berroco Borealis, which is a VERY cool yarn, but while I like the sweater, it's a tad too short for me. I will need to knit a bottom band on it, which should fix the problem. In the meantime, I am knitting a nice cardigan-type sweater for my friend Martha's mom--Martha commissioned it from me. My payment (which I received already) is a marginally used refrigerator and a used-once stove!!! The sweater is a luscious lavender in Berroco Alpaca, and I will post the final product when finished. if you check the Etsy site, you'll see my new passion - hats, scarves and cowls. They are projects that you can finish quickly, and if you play your cards right, you don't need to spend a bloody fortune on yarn, either. Here are a couple samples.

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