Friday, March 12, 2010

Hats & Hats & Hats

Next from the Berroco pattern book was a spiffy-looking hat in the Blackstone Tweed. I had sweater yarn left over in the Plum Island, so I knitted a hat. Took a while again to master the pattern, but once I did, things went well. So well, that I decided I wanted a light gray one. So I gave the Plum one to my neighbor, and I made myself the gray one in Wintery Mix. It came out really good. So good, in fact, my teenage daughter told me she liked it and wanted one. She couldn't decide on the color, so I bought enough yarn in each of the two browns colors. She chose Ancient Mariner, so I made her hat. Having the two extra balls of Limerick, I proceeded to make hat #4. I love these hats! I may make more next winter! And with leftovers from all of the colors, I made a nice scarf that used the same pattern stitch as on the hats.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Next up was a sweater I liked that was a Berroco pattern I saw at my local knitting shop. It was labeled an 'easy' pattern, while still having some interesting ribbing on the bottom. So much for 'easy', I must've started the thing 10 times before I could master the pattern. What I learned: do not be afraid of unravelling what you've done to try again to make the thing better or right. The sweater came out pretty good, but I really had to work to finish the neckline with single crochet--I am NOT a crocheter! And I had to block the sleeves pretty heavily--since when does a size 2X pattern have the same number of stitches at the sleeve bottom as a size S ?!?! More I learned: watch for instructions that you need to alter to make a better fit. Trust your gut on this. USE the damn tape measure. The sweater was made from Berroco Blackstone Tweed in a great cabernet color called Plum Island. The yarn was so nice, I then got hooked on other things in the pattern book...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Keeping Track

I really don't need the blog, I just need a place to park my thoughts on my knitting projects. And keep track of it. With pictures. I started knitting again last year in a very stressful time during a very stress-filled year. After the first project, I was hooked. I just feel better if I do some knitting every day. I especially love trying out yarns & colors, knitting samples to see if I like the color or to practice a pattern stitch.

The first project was the Alpaca Poncho. I wanted a simple project to start, but one that would be practical. I really wanted to make a soft, warm poncho in a neutral color. So I used Plymouth Yarn Baby Alpaca Grande. I started the project in September 09 and finished it in October 09. The finished project was exactly as I'd wanted. On to more projects...