Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Lilac Legacy

Nothing like a deadline to make you finish something up. Just in time for Christmas (even though I started in September) is this heathered purple sweater I made for my friend's mother. It's knit in Berroco Ultra Alpaca, and I think the sweater came out just great, probably the best thing I've knit to date. But, as always, something to learn from the experience: the amount of hand time you have to put into finishing a garment is VERY important. Getting the small details right takes some work! I had to block all the pieces separately, then had to block the entire sweater before I could get the buttonholes and the front bands to behave. I am please with this one, my friend is very pleased with this one, now let's hope her mother is very, very pleased with her new sweater! I've got several sample yarn hanks left that we didn't use for this sweater, so now I need to find some one-hank wonder patterns to use up the extra fiber!