Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finished With Winter!

Next I finished up this beautiful wool sweater just in time for--spring! It's really too heavy for me to wear now, but I'm sure it'll be great next winter. I think I finished this up just as our weather turned flukey in March and reached 90 degrees for a few days. The color in the picture doesn't do this justice--it's a really fabulous dark teal. The yarn I used is Berroco Peruvia, which is a nice, long-staple wool yarn from what must be some of the softest sheep in the Andes. I had originally started with Peruvia in another color on another sweater, and discovered that I like the yarn a lot, but not the sweater I was working on. So I bought some of the teal for this sweater. Originally my gauge was waaaaaaay off and I didn't realize it until I had almost completed the entire back of this. Not one to settle for what I don't want, I unraveled the whole mess and started again with smaller needles. It DOES pay to make a swatch first, but even that isn't entirely fool proof. I also customized the band that goes around the front edges & neck of this sweater. The first sweater that I didn't like had this seed stitch pattern on it, which I did like. The front band of this sweater was suppose to be just a plain stockinette stitch, but that seemed too boring to me. So I worked it in the seed stitch instead. I want to use this yarn again next winter, it was really great to work with.